Swine Paranoia

I just saw on Yahoo! that the WHO (World Health Organization) has just announced that the A(H1N1) Virus Outbreak is now on Alert Level 6. This means that the world is experiencing a pandemic.. the first in 41 years.

This is big. This is scary.

Although experts say that there is a cure, and that the virus is not deadly (as long as you're treated early), I can't help but imagine things that could happen with such kinds of incidents plaguing the world that I am living in. And I can't imagine myself being caught in this kind of events wherein I, together with those people I care for, are vulnerable in getting this virus.

I had my doctor friends on speed dial already so I could easily call them when the need arises. And on Sunday, I went to the nearest drug store to by myself and my family, vitamins and surgical masks to protect ourselves from what's happening.

Shit! I don't want to be infected.. nor be quarantined. Arrrggg!!!
This is shit!

I think, Mother Nature is really fighting back now.

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The Rain

When I was younger, I loved the rain. It was like I was drawing strength from it. Like every drop of rain was a drop of energy filling me inside. I loved it so much that I enjoyed walking in the rain, not even minding if my clothes and shoes and even my bag gets wet.

Rain was like my element when I was younger.. when I was way way younger. But as I grew older, I started to develop a sense of hate for it.

If before, rain was equaled to joy, laughter and strength now, rain to me means gloom, sadness, cold, and loneliness.

I can't really explain why it changed. But I guess, it comes with age. I guess, as one grows older, most things change in perspective and what was once something nice would turn out to be something you'd end up not liking anymore.

Rain. Makes you feel cold. Makes you stop for a while. Makes you want to sit in one corner and think. Rain. It is one thing that makes you stop doing what you normally do and give you so much idle time to feel that no one is there with you.

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Attempts on Photography in Laiya, Batangas

Location: Batangas
Picture Taken on: May 17, 2009
the author

Bright Light

Last night, before I went to bed, I noticed something in the sky. It was a glowing thing... and it is not a star.

I looked at it for a couple of minutes and noticed that it is slowly going further and further up. I asked my brother to look at it and he too was amazed with he saw.

Things started going on my mind. I don't think it was a star because it was moving up and is not twinkling. My brother suggested that it's a planet, but planets don't glow that way. I told myself, "maybe it's a satellite or maybe a space shuttle that just had its lift off.. but where from?".

And then it occurred to me. "North Koreans are testing missiles!!!"

I started to feel uneasy. If what I saw are missiles then it's one heck of a missile that North Koreans are launching. And the UN Security Council must do something about it. But I really hope that it's not any missile of some sort.

I also thought that glowing thing in the sky can possible be some sort of space craft. UFO?? Maybe, but I really don't think so. Maybe its some sort of a space rocket.

From the look and how it moved and glowed in the sky, these possibilities that I have on explaining that I saw.

It's freaky and scary all at the same time. You see something in the sky which you do not see everyday and not knowing what that is brings you face to face with paranoia.

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The Love Game

I found out last night that this person whom I have been talking to for the past months has also been talking to someone I know (and maybe to some other people also). The way they were talking was practically the same way we do... romance driven and intimate filled.

Although I have already felt that this person is nothing but someone not worthy of being taken seriously, I can't help feel disappointed because I did got to like this person in such a way that I have put down my guard and let my emotions go wild on whatever it is that we are having.

At my age and with the experiences I had when it comes to this game, I should already be able to cope with such matters without feeling regretful or depressed. But sadly, right now, after knowing what the real deal is, I am feeling what I should not. It is not to the extent that I would lock myself in room and cry all day, it's just that knowing that something real and true to you was something not to someone else.

What makes me more sad is knowing that I was again became a victim of a player's game. And that is something that I would want to happen to me, especially when I am feeling so much emotions inside me.

Last night, after talking to this person whom I know, I could not really decide and tell what I would do with this player person. Should I just drop the whole thing or would I play the game and give this person a doze of this person's own medicine.

More of me wants to gets to even, because yes, I was hurt (in one way or another). But I the good in me wants to just let it pass and move on, besides, it was my fault why I got hurt. I let down my guard to something which is uncertain.

But is there really always something certain when it comes to playing the game of love? This is what I am asking myself now.

I guess we really would not know, do we?

When you meet a player and the game starts, more often than not, you would not know that you are being played on. More often than not, it'll be too late before you know that everything that the person said, did, and promised was all a lie. You have already made emotional investments and that will make you emotionally crash when you learn that all was just a game and nothing more.

These whole love game can never be mastered, I realized. No matter how much experience you have, when you are caught unguarded, players will feast on your vulnerable soul and play with you, like puppets on a string.

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Scandal? What Scandal?

For the past nights, I have been seeing so much news about the video scandal of these two personalities. The first time I saw a news about it, I was must say, I was intrigued. But as the days passed, and as media feasted on the story, I started to feel like,

But last night, at last, I did saw the the video (courtesy of my... and I could not believe it... MY DAD!). He had it on his cellphone and according to him, he got it from his friend. (laughtrip!)

Anyway, when I saw the video, I can't help but feel so much remorse. From what I saw, I think that the girl involved did not know that they were being videoed.

But I asked, "Who leaked the video?".

This issue has gone out of proportions and even a senator has openly made comments on the whole matter. Now, I just think that the owner (the one who made the video) must be ready to talk and face the charges that will be imposed on him.

For me, I think that it is okay to video tape something, and in this matter, even without the other persons consent, but be sure to keep the copy privately, like not even your closest closest friend or whoever would not know about it. It should only be for your own amusement or whatever. No one must know that you have that video.

I may sound like I am not condoning the whole act. But its just that, I feel like.....



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Angels & Demons (The Movie)

Instead of attending the first day of class, I went out with a friend to see the movie Angels & Demons starring Tom Hanks. I was first hesitant to see the movie because I never got the chance to read the book. I want to see the movie with even a little bit of idea on what it is about. I did not want to be clueless like the way I was when I saw Da Vinci Code. But being so that my friend is persistent enough and that I was not yet in the mood to attend class (it's the first day, not many students attend the first day of classes), I agreed to watch it.

True enough, as soon as the movie started, and through the first part of the movie, I (with my friend) was clueless. We both did not have any idea what the movie is about. Well.. we do know that it has something to do with the Roman Catholic Church, but that's just it. We are totally clueless what the story is about.

Interestingly, as the movie progressed, we noticed ourselves totally glued on to the movie screens. As the scenes go on, I found the story very interesting. It made me realize why bookworms (like most of my friends) were so into the book.

I just do not know about the books, but for me, Angels & Demons is better than The Da Vinci Code. It had more drama and action in it. It had more sense and the twist in the story was really good.

I am just not so sure if what was seen on the movie was exactly what was written on the book but as someone who has not read the book but have seen the movie, I can say that the movie was able to show the plot behind the whole story without having audiences who has not read the book clueless after watching the movie. It was carefully explained and it was easily understood.

Overall, the movie is A-Okay. I'm giving it an 8.5 out of 10. Good enough to be recommended.

Message Sending Failed

Last night, before I went to bed, I already had problems sending text messages on my mobile phone. At first I thought I ran out of credits on my prepaid account. I wanted to check my balance but even that seem to not work. Since I could not send a text message, I decided to make a call instead... but even that didn't work. I get "Network Failure". It's weird because the bars on my phone show that I have max signals. This is crap!!!

When I woke up, I had new messages on my phone. I tried to reply but the same thing happened. I asked my mom if she was having problems with her phone and she said, "YES". And that made me feel helpless. I realized, something's wrong with GLOBE'S network.

What in the world are they doing? I am subscribed and paying for their services (eg. UNLITXT & UNLICALLS NYT) and... I can't use it!!! It's not as if they are going to give back the money or even try to compensate the times I wasn't able to use the service because they had system problems. This is dog crap. I hope their network gets fixed soon. I hope it doesn't take days for them to fix their system.

This is such a crap! I'm hating it!

Let Me Go

My minds tells me that I have to let go.

But my heart keeps on beating for the same person.

I hate this feeling!!!

I wanna let go. I want to be free from all these hurting thoughts.

This is crap! I hate it!!!

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Back To Blogging

Welcome me blogosphere!!! I am back!!!
After years of being away, I am back to bring mayhem to the blogging world. (hahaha!)

Seriously, I realized that I need a different outlet for my thoughts, rants, and even my confessions. This is the reason why I decided to go blogging again.

So there. I don't wanna go on and on ranting about why I am back to blogging. I think what I said is enough for a welcome statement.

And now.. let's start blogging!!!