I found out last night that this person whom I have been talking to for the past months has also been talking to someone I know (and maybe to some other people also). The way they were talking was practically the same way we do... romance driven and intimate filled.
Although I have already felt that this person is nothing but someone not worthy of being taken seriously, I can't help feel disappointed because I did got to like this person in such a way that I have put down my guard and let my emotions go wild on whatever it is that we are having.
At my age and with the experiences I had when it comes to this game, I should already be able to cope with such matters without feeling regretful or depressed. But sadly, right now, after knowing what the real deal is, I am feeling what I should not. It is not to the extent that I would lock myself in room and cry all day, it's just that knowing that something real and true to you was something not to someone else.
What makes me more sad is knowing that I was again became a victim of a player's game. And that is something that I would want to happen to me, especially when I am feeling so much emotions inside me.
Last night, after talking to this person whom I know, I could not really decide and tell what I would do with this player person. Should I just drop the whole thing or would I play the game and give this person a doze of this person's own medicine.
More of me wants to gets to even, because yes, I was hurt (in one way or another). But I the good in me wants to just let it pass and move on, besides, it was my fault why I got hurt. I let down my guard to something which is uncertain.
But is there really always something certain when it comes to playing the game of love? This is what I am asking myself now.
I guess we really would not know, do we?
When you meet a player and the game starts, more often than not, you would not know that you are being played on. More often than not, it'll be too late before you know that everything that the person said, did, and promised was all a lie. You have already made emotional investments and that will make you emotionally crash when you learn that all was just a game and nothing more.
These whole love game can never be mastered, I realized. No matter how much experience you have, when you are caught unguarded, players will feast on your vulnerable soul and play with you, like puppets on a string.
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