Angels & Demons (The Movie)

Instead of attending the first day of class, I went out with a friend to see the movie Angels & Demons starring Tom Hanks. I was first hesitant to see the movie because I never got the chance to read the book. I want to see the movie with even a little bit of idea on what it is about. I did not want to be clueless like the way I was when I saw Da Vinci Code. But being so that my friend is persistent enough and that I was not yet in the mood to attend class (it's the first day, not many students attend the first day of classes), I agreed to watch it.

True enough, as soon as the movie started, and through the first part of the movie, I (with my friend) was clueless. We both did not have any idea what the movie is about. Well.. we do know that it has something to do with the Roman Catholic Church, but that's just it. We are totally clueless what the story is about.

Interestingly, as the movie progressed, we noticed ourselves totally glued on to the movie screens. As the scenes go on, I found the story very interesting. It made me realize why bookworms (like most of my friends) were so into the book.

I just do not know about the books, but for me, Angels & Demons is better than The Da Vinci Code. It had more drama and action in it. It had more sense and the twist in the story was really good.

I am just not so sure if what was seen on the movie was exactly what was written on the book but as someone who has not read the book but have seen the movie, I can say that the movie was able to show the plot behind the whole story without having audiences who has not read the book clueless after watching the movie. It was carefully explained and it was easily understood.

Overall, the movie is A-Okay. I'm giving it an 8.5 out of 10. Good enough to be recommended.