Bright Light

Last night, before I went to bed, I noticed something in the sky. It was a glowing thing... and it is not a star.

I looked at it for a couple of minutes and noticed that it is slowly going further and further up. I asked my brother to look at it and he too was amazed with he saw.

Things started going on my mind. I don't think it was a star because it was moving up and is not twinkling. My brother suggested that it's a planet, but planets don't glow that way. I told myself, "maybe it's a satellite or maybe a space shuttle that just had its lift off.. but where from?".

And then it occurred to me. "North Koreans are testing missiles!!!"

I started to feel uneasy. If what I saw are missiles then it's one heck of a missile that North Koreans are launching. And the UN Security Council must do something about it. But I really hope that it's not any missile of some sort.

I also thought that glowing thing in the sky can possible be some sort of space craft. UFO?? Maybe, but I really don't think so. Maybe its some sort of a space rocket.

From the look and how it moved and glowed in the sky, these possibilities that I have on explaining that I saw.

It's freaky and scary all at the same time. You see something in the sky which you do not see everyday and not knowing what that is brings you face to face with paranoia.

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